Hundreds of Pokemon have had their stats buffed, hidden abilities made available, and enhanced movesets.THIS SHOULD NOT REQUIRE AN INSANE AMOUNT OF GRINDING) (GROSSLY SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE RELAY TO ME WHAT THE LEVEL CURVE IS LIKE IN YOUR EXPERIENCE. Trainers will have Pokemon at a usually slightly higher leveled than that of your own. Level curve expected to naturally provide you with high level Pokemon.They also have the smartest AI assigned to them. Important trainers also have manually changed movesets, abilities, natures, and even IVs and EVs assigned.All important trainers have 6 Pokemon and and are much more difficult.Hundreds of Pokemon have had their Hidden Abilities made easily obtainable, stats buffed, abilities buffed, and enhanced movesets! This is a fully featured difficulty hack.

Pokémon Sacred Sword and King’s Shield are ROM hacks of Pokémon Sword and Shield. Switch Pokemon ROM Hacks Collection Pokemon Sword/Shield ROM Hacks Pokemon Sacred Sword and King’s Shield

ROM Hacks can help improve the games features, user interface, and more without necessarily altering the actual story or levels.

Mega Man Battle Network 5 – Team ProtoMan.The GBA emulator games reportedly tested by Nintendo include: The leaked GBA build also reportedly includes various games, as well as references to others, including first-party titles such as The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap and Metroid Fusion, as well as third-party games including Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Mega Man Battle Network 2. The emulators were reportedly dumped from a Switch console, suggesting that work may be underway to include the classic handheld systems as part of Nintendo Switch Online.