
Lowest degrees in astrology chart
Lowest degrees in astrology chart

lowest degrees in astrology chart

Mature state (vriddha avastha) = 6 - 12 degrees.Old state (mrit avastha) = 0 - 6 degrees.The avasthas for even signs are as follows: Old state (mrit avastha) = 24 - 30 degreesįor the even signs, the order gets reversed.Mature state (vriddha avastha) = 18 - 24 degrees.Adult state (yuva avastha) = 12 - 18 degrees.Young state (kumara avastha) = 6 - 12 degrees.Child/Infant state (bala avastha) = 0 - 6 degrees.So the 30 degrees is divided into 5 intervals of 6 degrees each. The five states and their corresponding degrees for odd signs are as follows: These are known as baladi avasthas. There are 5 states that a planet can be in. It is another way to look at the strength of a planet.

lowest degrees in astrology chart

The degree is very important in judging the strength of a planet. Every planet including the ascendant is at certain degrees and thus in certain avastas(states). The planets are situated in particular avasthas (states) depending upon its degree in every birthchart or horoscope. This article also includes the importance of ascendant degree and how it influences the planets and dasha (ruling period). Which planet can influence us more and which planet we will have to deal with more often in our life. Another method in judging the strength of planets and their capacity to influence the birth chart through vedic astrology.

Lowest degrees in astrology chart