While it will be interesting to see how Konami brings Metal Gear Solid V and Peace Walker to those platforms, the most interesting part would be Metal Gear Solid 4’s inclusion.

1 will arrive on PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X | S on October 24, 2023. Information on this next wave of games arrives following yesterday’s confirmation that Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.

While most other games in the series have found their way to new players over the years, the only way to play through Old Snake’s journey is to go out and buy a PS3. However, Metal Gear Solid 4 has been exclusive to PlayStation 3 since its launch in 2008, making its potential inclusion a bigger deal. It had been presumed that Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol 1 would eventually get a Vol 2 follow-up that brings remasters of other games in the Konami series’s timeline, and MGS4, Peace Walker, and MGSV have all been likely candidates.